Refund Policy

How do I return an item?
We would like to express our deepest apologize if our product doesn’t up to your personal expectation. If you'd like to return or exchange an item, we will do everything we can with valid reasons in order to accommodate with your request.
Please e-mail us a Refund Application Form in the following format:
Register email:
Contact No.: Telephone / Mobile
Order No.:
Product Name:
Receive Date:
Return Date:
Reason: (For feedback purposes)
Postage/Mailing Cost: (Please attach a copy of AWB receipt/document
Bank account details (full name/bank account number/which bank)
Once you have completed the form, please do not hesitate to contact us at 0102648438. Our admin will contact you once your request is confirmed, and then we will refund to you within 1 -14 working days.